Monday, December 31, 2007
End of the Year Movie Marathon
The Golden Compass--Movie's demon is overworked accountant.
Juno--Knocked Up with mature wit.
The Savages--Indie comedy pretends it's realistic.
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead--Most singularly depressing movie, ever.
I Am Legend--Will Smith can't shoot shit.
Let's start with the good one, Juno, which is about a girl in trouble, as they used to say in the 50s, who does the right thing and gives up her illegitimate baby for adoption. Not the most daring of plot lines (although there are several movies where an inconvenient pregnancy is terminated--Play It as It Lays, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The End of the Road, Love with the Proper Stranger (almost terminated); and Vera Drake and The Cider House Rules featured abortionists). It is classified as a pro-life movie, but I doubt the writer (Diablo Cody (really)) or the director, Jason Reitman (Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman's son), who also did Thank You for Smoking, would be happy with that label.
What makes this movie is the possibly extraordinarily talented Ellen Page, who was so good in Hard Candy, as the title character here. (I say 'possibly', because so far all I've seen her be is the same character, a precocious, wise cracking misfit who can flat out get things done; but I'm hoping for more in the future as she really plays that character extremely well). Jason Bateman, from TV's Arrested Development and older Valerie, Silver Spoons and Little House on the Prarie, comes across as well as he did in Dodgeball (but saner), and was the glue that held the adoption sub-plot together. Everyone else was good on a less intense level. Well paced, believable, interesting--I can't imagine how this movie could have been better.
From the sublime...
There are so many plot holes in I Am Legend (which really is a pretty good, short book by Richard Matheson, although it can't be well filmed apparently despite at least three tries) that its film stock must look like lace. Starting next year, 90% of the World's population has died from a mutating enhanced anti-cancer virus created by Emma Thompson, 1% of humanity had natural immunity but they have all been killed by the 9% whom the virus turned into rabid vampires. Virologist Will Smith is the only non vampire survivor on Manhattan. He locks up at night and then goes to the video store, looting, or hunting in the daytime. He may be the worst hunter since hunting was invented. For one, he uses too small a round (5.64 mm NATO); he has a dog, but he doesn't really use it except to chase the deer ahead of him (I'm not kidding), and when he is mere feet from the deer, he fails to take the shot, again and again and again. He doesn't do much better with the vampires. OK, I can believe the lions escaped, somehow, from the Central Park Zoo, but where has this immense herd of deer come from? (Oh, and note to film makers, computer generated images are not sufficiently good yet and do not look good as surrogate human faces or animal skins--in fact, none of the CGI looked any good in this film).
Smith is still working on a cure and when a compound works on rabid vampire rats, he has to catch a human vampire and test it on it. He sets a snare, powered by a vehicle falling from a height. He then tells us that the vampires have lost all semblance of humanity. So who sets the snare for him?
The Air Force blew up all the bridges around Manhattan in a vain attempt to stop the virus, and the tunnels are realistically full of water, so how actually does Sonia Braga's niece get her girlie SUV, decked out with anti-vampire UV spot lights, onto the island to save Smith's ass?
Grenades have a relatively small explosion and under very few circumstances create a fireball. They almost never create a huge fireball.
When Smith goes into the dark to get his bitch back, that is a very suspenseful scene and it is artfully done with exquisite timing and subtlety. That's about it, though. Director Francis Lawrence, who only really did Constantine and music videos before this, may not be the new Stanley Kubrick.
OK, moving on. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is in both Savages and Devil Knows and he looks exactly the same but he is believably not the same guy--not even close. He is rapidly replacing Paul Giametti as my favorite ugly actor. Laura Linney (the new indie 'it' girl ,replacing Parker Posey as a required fixture in each non-Hollywood film made in America) is almost as good, but usually plays a slightly different version of herself. Writer/Director Tamara Jenkins, who also did The Slums of Beverly Hills almost a decade ago, was fortunate to get these two for her movie as they play flawed brother and sister flawlessly, and with such ease.
The only good thing about Devil Knows is the gratuitous sex scenes with Marisa Tomei, who looks absolutely fantastic. Her tits aren't perfect but they are nice if somewhat oddly shaped. I have no complaints about the rest of her. The movie has plot holes too. Why doesn't the mother lock the door behind her? Why doesn't Ethan Hawke (looking bad and playing a very weak person convincingly) recognize his mom or dad or at least his dad's car?
The part time robber uses a .38 revolver of unknown make. Mom has a Beretta 92F; Dad a Smith & Wesson probably in .357 (which he never uses) and Hoffman picks up a Walther PPK in .380 with which he does his mayhem. It's not just kinda depressing, it's really, really depressing, losing your religion, no faith in your fellow man left sort of depressing, and I think The Grey Zone is uplifting. Just the sort of holiday cheer we all look forward to.
I've run out of steam. Sorry. Compass looked good (CGI is good for buildings and some animals after all, I guess) but it wasn't very good despite a valiant effort by a newcomer young girl named Dakota. I doubt it will make enough money above its budget to justify a sequel (even though there are two more books in this purposefully anti-Narnia trilogy). Just as well.
Labels: Movie reviews
Why the Transition From Day to Night is Unlike Throwing a Switch

Labels: Science; Twilight
Thought of the Day
Alicia Colon
Labels: Alicia Colon quote
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Closer - Nine Inch Nails
This appears to be the unexpurgated version of the hit music video from a few years back. I may not know art, but I know what I like... and this is good stuff. Not, alas, safe for work.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Pole to Pole Comparison

Labels: Science; Global Warming
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Light Posting Excuse
And to all my Republican friends--Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
(h/t John Rushkin)
Labels: Christmas time wishes
This Day in the History of Hard Fought, Successful Wars Against Muslims
UPDATE: Missed the date of the Manila Bay battle by a hundred years, but all corrected now, thanks to Eric's sharp eyes
Labels: Filipino Muslim Rebels
Thought of the Day
Jonah Goldberg
Labels: Jonah Goldberg quote
Saturday, December 22, 2007
This Day During the Battle of the Bulge

Labels: WWII history; European theater
Thought of the Day
Andrew Klavan
Labels: Andrew Klavan quote
Friday, December 21, 2007
Unanswered Questions

The science is fascinating, the ramifications profound, but we are fools if we think we have a sufficient understanding of such a complicated system as the Earth’s atmosphere’s interaction with sunlight to decide. We know far less than many think we do or would like you to think we do. We must explain why global warming has stopped.
Labels: Global Warming
This Day When the Stones Hit Nadir

Labels: British Rock
Thought of the Day
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Funny if the Deception Wasn't so Sad
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Labels: Eid
This Day in the History of Evil Beginnings

Labels: KGB History
Thought of the Day
Edmund Spenser
Labels: Edmund Spenser quote
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
So the Warming Isn't Actually, Well, Global
He ends with near perfect observation:
If you think any of the preceding facts can falsify global warming, you're hopelessly naive. Nothing creates cognitive dissonance in the mind of a true believer. In 2005, a Canadian Greenpeace representative explained “global warming can mean colder, it can mean drier, it can mean wetter.” In other words, all weather variations are evidence for global warming. I can't make this stuff up.
Global warming has long since passed from scientific hypothesis to the realm of pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo.
Well said.
Labels: Global Warming Hoax
Battle Over Budget Goes GOP's Way
Democrats again failed to win votes to force removal of U.S. troops or set a nonbinding target to remove most troops by the end of next year.
Democrats were able to fill in most of the cuts by using the very budgetary sleight of hand lambasted by conservative groups such as the Club for Growth and Citizens Against Government Waste.
The White House, which maintained a hard line for months, has been far more forgiving in recent days, accepting $11 billion in "emergency'' spending for veterans, drought relief, border security and firefighting accounts, among others. Other budget moves added billions more.
"Congress did come down to the president's overall top line,'' White House press secretary Dana Perino said. "And in regards of the emergency spending, most of that spending would have passed on an emergency basis anyway. It's not added into the baseline of the budget.''
I guess we Republicans are better in the minority, although I wouldn't want us to stay there forever.
UPDATE: Welshperson Dafydd at Buig Lizards has a longer account of the rolling over the Democrats are doing and Michelle Malkin has details here and here.
Labels: Democratic Congressional Failure
This Day in the History of Presidential Impeachments
Labels: Clinton Impeachment
Thought of the Day
Stephen King
Labels: Stephen King quote
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
This Day in the History of Real Progress
Labels: Constitutional Amendment Ending Slavery
Thought of the Day
Eric Hoffer
Labels: Eric Hoffer quote
Monday, December 17, 2007
Memories of Arctic Sea Ice

Except for the Chuckchi Sea, the ice is pretty much over all the traditional area of sea ice and it's not yet Winter. Hudson Bay seems completely iced over. One can walk from Svalbard (scene of much of The Golden Compass) to Novaya Zemlya to Svernaya Zemlya to Alaska, Greenland or Canada for that matter. Except it would be really, really cold and you would die.
Yes, Warmies, the sea ice melt was big this Summer, but it's pretty much all back now, just as it should be and has been doing for millions of years and as it will, no doubt, for millions more.
Labels: Science; Global Warming
Would the World be Better Off if No Country Signed Kyoto?
The Kyoto treaty was agreed upon in late 1997 and countries started signing and ratifying it in 1998. A list of countries and their carbon dioxide emissions due to consumption of fossil fuels is available from the U.S. government. If we look at that data and compare 2004 (latest year for which data is available) to 1997 (last year before the Kyoto treaty was signed), we find the following.
- Emissions worldwide increased 18.0%.
- Emissions from countries that signed the treaty increased 21.1%.
- Emissions from non-signers increased 10.0%.
- Emissions from the U.S. increased 6.6%.
Labels: Kyoto Protocols; Global Warming
Sea Level Rise
Here's a closer look at that assertion. During the depths of the last Ice Age 22,000 years ago, sea levels were 130 meters lower. That's a lot of warming, melting, and rising in 22,000 years, over 400 feet. Remember, however, 80% of the rise of the sea level after warming is thermal expansion of the sea water, not land ice melting and flowing in. But it hasn't been steady. Here's the s-curve graph.

Now we should take a look at sea level rise between 1880 and 2005, or for 125 years. Is it closer to the alarming rate 22,000 to 8,000 years ago or is it closer to the recent very stable rate?
Since 1880 the sea level has risen 20 cm (that's 7.8 inches in over a century, not alarming in my book) and the rate is .0629 in./year. Well, that's much closer to the recent, stable rate (only about 30% more) and much less than the alarming rate of the ancient past (about six times less, in fact). Nor is there a hint of acceleration in the rate of change; it's merely a straight line increase. So there's certainly no crisis in sea level rise. It's still getting warmer since the depth of the last Ice Age (as it always does during the first half of the interglacial and we've had at least 20 interglacials in the past few million years) and sea levels are gently and very slowly rising. Not exactly 'run for the hills, the sea's rising' sort of news.
Gee, I wonder why my opponent thought that sea levels had risen alarmigly recently?
Labels: Science; Global Warming
Stunning Picture of Saturn's Rings and Moon Tethys

Labels: Saturn
Tying our Arms Behind our Backs Just to Make it Fair
Forcing detainees to be naked, perform sexual acts or pose in a sexual manner. I'm OK with banning the sexual stuff, but don't we need to get the prisoners naked now and again to make sure they are not smuggling in bad things? One step too far.
Placing hoods or sacks over detainees’ heads or duct tape over their eyes. Stupid to ban these things.
Beating, shocking or burning detainees. I'm OK with banning these (but the belly slap and attention getting face slap should still be OK).
Threatening detainees with military dogs. Stupid to ban this.
Exposing detainees to extreme heat or cold. Stupid to ban this (So long as the extremes are not life threatening--I certainly wouldn't want to bake or freeze our prisoners).
Conducting mock executions. Stupid to ban this.
Depriving detainees of food, water or medical care. I'm OK with no ban on medical care, but short periods of no food or even no water is OK. Man, we are capable of being so wimpy.
Waterboarding. Not torture if done for short periods of time, and apparently very effective with no lasting negative after effects. We should be able to use harsh, effective methods which are not torture--this is the poster child of those criteria.
Labels: War Against Islamic Extremists
This Day in the History of Building a Big White Stick

Labels: Great White Fleet
Thought of the Day
P. G. Wodehouse
Labels: P. G. Wodehouse quote
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Thought of the Day
Friday, December 14, 2007
Update on Victory in Musa Qala

Labels: Afghanistan; Taliban Winter Ass Kicking
This Day in the History of Sneak Attacks on America
(h/t This Day in History)
Labels: War Against Muslim Extremism
Thought of the Day
Alexander Hamilton
Labels: Alexander Hamilton quote
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Democrats Cave
The agreement signaled that congressional Democrats are ready to give in to many of the White House's demands as they try to finish the session before they break for Christmas -- a political victory for the president, who has refused to compromise on the spending measures.
Music to my ears.
House Minority Leader John Boehner piled on the hapless leadership of Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA) pointing out that the Democrats in the majority are as bad at running Congress as the Republicans were. Meow.
Labels: Democratic Congressional Failure
This Day in the History of Voting Not to Ruin Our Flag's Symmetry

Labels: Ruerto Rico refuses statehood
Thought of the Day
Susan Ertz
Labels: Susan Ertz quote
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
All Global Warming, All The Time, Part Deux

Now former director of the National Hurricane Center, Max Mayfield has stepped forward to contradict the Democrats' findings: political pressure did not cause him to change his congressional testimony which downplayed the link between global warming and hurricanes.
The controversy started when a staff member of Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska sent an email to the NOAA asking Mayfield to say that global warming was not making hurricanes stronger. Bottom line for Democrats ... Bush was behind the whole thing. I wonder how many Democrat staffers have pressured government scientists to participate in the global warming alarmism?
By the way, part of Mayfield's original testimony following hurricane Katrina states, "the increased activity since 1995 is due to natural fluctuations/cycles of hurricane activity driven by the Atlantic Ocean itself along with the atmosphere above it and not enhanced substantially by global warming."
Why are Democrats upset? They see global warming as the key to more income redistribution. They don't want to lose this argument.
All Global Warming, All the Time
His first point is that, with a finer resolution of measurements, CO2 increases in the atmosphere FOLLOW warming, by an average of 800 years, so Gore's most impressive chart in An Inconvenient Truth, showing congruence of CO2 and temperature, puts the cart in front of the horse.
Second, the temperature modeling by computers, relied on by the IPCC, predict a bloom of heat in the tropic troposphere up to 10 kilometers, but real observation shows no such pattern. Not even close.
Finally, what went wrong with the model is the very reasonable assumption it contained that greater heat would evaporate more water into the atmosphere and cause both low and high altitude clouds, the later of which would further trap heat and warm the Earth, creating a positive feedback which would accelerate the heating. Good assumption, but not true. What scientists have actually observed is less high altitude clouds with warming, so a negative feedback mechanism... Hmmmm.
As I have argued, the only reliable temperature records are satellite measurements, which only go back to 1979. What they show is little to no warming in the Southern Hemisphere and some warming in the Northern hemisphere but none since 2001, and, in fact, temperatures have cooled in the top half of the world since then.
These very recent scientific documents may not be an empire striking back but they are a hit, a palpable hit on the Warmie dogma. Rather than attack the authors, let's see the true believers take each point and show how it is wrong, just as Evans shows how the Global Warming Hysteria industry got it wrong.
I think I hear the crickets warming up their legs.
Labels: Global Warming Hoax
This Day in the History of Judicial Smackdowns
Labels: 2000 Presidential Election
Thought of the Day
Kathleen Casey Theisen
Labels: Kathleen Casey Theisen quote
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Really Good News
Yeah, we don't have to waste Trillion of dollars trying to reduce CO2 omissions. That is great news.
Oh, but you ask, who is saying this?
The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric temperature trends, does not show the characteristic fingerprint associated with greenhouse warming. The inescapable conclusion is that the human contribution is not significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate warming.
Satellite data and independent balloon data agree that atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface. Greenhouse models, on the other hand, demand that atmospheric trend values be 2-3 times greater.
The current warming trend is simply part of a natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice cores, deep-sea sediments, stalagmites, etc...
Our research demonstrates that the ongoing rise of atmospheric CO2 has only a minor influence on climate change. We must conclude, therefore, that attempts to control CO2 emissions are ineffective and pointless — but very costly.
I wonder if the Warmies will be angry its not our fault?
UPDATE: I corrected my counting error. Thanks, Mary.
UPDATE II: Here is a link to the abstract of the article, entitled A comparison of tropical temperature trends with model predictions. I can't afford the $25 for the pdf of the article itself. Sorry to be so cheap. Here is an old post I wrote on discovering how tiny the anthropogenicc CO2 component in the atmosphere is. Really tiny.
Labels: Global Warming Hoax, Greenhouse Model Debunked
This Day in the History of Abandoned Achievement
Labels: Moon Mission
Thought of the Day
William Wrigley Jr.
Labels: William Wrigley Jr.quote
Monday, December 10, 2007
Polar Bear Facts

Polar bears have become an icon of the dangers of anthropomorphic global warming. Global warming could cause polar bears to go extinct by the end of the century by eroding the sea ice that sustains them. The fact that there are more of the bears now than at any time in the last hundred years doesn't seem to matter. They are photogenic animals and most of the photos being circulated are cute family portraits. Here is a photo of a bear doing what they were born to do, kill seals and eat the skin and blubber.
The estimates of the number of living bears varies between 20,000 and 40,000. Canada has the lion's share of the bears, about 60% of the World population. Most of the Canadian bears live in Nunavut, the newest Canadian Territory. The World Wildlife Fund lists the 19 populations of polar bears here.
Below is the map of those 19 areas. There is a noticeable asymmetry caused by the Gulf Stream; that is, there are bears in Ontario at 50 degrees latitude but over in Europe there are no bears south of the Arctic Circle, none even in northern Norway, which is above 70 degrees latitude.
Here is what the Canadian government says about the Western Hudson Bay population, that it has decreased by 22%, from about 1,200 in 1987 to less than 950 in 2004. That's not what some residents of the area say and not what the native population says. Inuit also argue the bear population is on the rise along Western Hudson Bay, in sharp contrast to the Canadian Wildlife Service, which projects a 22% decline in bear numbers. The Inuit say the government estimators fly over an area and miss a lot of bears, while they, on the other hand, are actually on the ice and see all the bears that are there. Except for their use of snow mobiles, that makes some sense. So I believe the Inuit and Churchill residents, not the scientists.
Here's some support for that belief. The South Hudson Bay population is stable. The Foxe Basin population is stable. There was not enough information to make a call about the Davis Strait, but now it turns out that the Davis Strait bear numbers have been rising, fast, from about 800 in the mid-1980s to 2,100 now. The scientists admit that if global warming is a cause of the decline in the bear numbers, one would expect it in the south where it should be "the first to show negative effects associated with climate warming and consequent loss of sea ice."
So I'm going to propose a different reason for the supposed decline in polar populations and it is an old one, indeed, it is the same one that led to a 5,000 bear World population earlier in the 20th Century, hunting. Nunavut allows at least 500 bear kills a year. Other Canadian places, like Nunavik, have no restrictions on the number of bears killed (by Inuit). There are no restrictions on Inuit kills of polar bears in Greenland. Who knows what goes on in Siberia. (A reader pointed out that Manitoba does not allow hunting so the Churchill population would not be decreased thereby. To him or her I respond, less than half of the Western Hudson Bay population is in Manitoba and it is disputed whether the population is decreasing). We'll see how the bear populations fare in the next few years, just as we watch, through the wonder of weather satellites and Mr. Gore's internet, the rise and fall of sea ice almost in real time.
Labels: Global Warming, Polar Bears
This Day in the History of Parochial Enlightenment
Labels: Women's Suffrage
Thought of the Day
Seneca the Younger
Stupid is the man who inspects the saddle blanket and not the horse; most stupid is he who judges another man by his clothes or his circumstances.
Labels: Seneca the Younger quote
Sunday, December 09, 2007
NATO Taking Names in Musa Qala, Afghanistan

Expect to see the Taliban choose option 2. They will die in Musa Qala, and without many civilians around, they won't be able to take too many innocents with them.

Labels: Afghanistan; Taliban Winter Ass Kicking
Psychological Motivation
I still haven't studied psychology, beyond reading some things in the DSM IV-R, but I began to understand the term and see unknown motivation at least in some movies. The first time I thought that I understood every human move for psychological reasons in a movie was in The Remains of the Day. Since then it has been hit or miss, but I do get the concept at last.
Just so, I think it is very possible to see that sort of motivation in some of our politicians, and as an example, I present the following bloody obvious things about Senator John McCain (R-AZ).
Let's skip the influence of his father the admiral, and go directly to his mistreatment, indeed, torture by his North Vietnamese captors. The long term resonance of that is plain to see every time he speaks on the subject of torture or even 'harsh' interrogation treatments well short of torture. Also very clear is his reaction to being one of the Keating 5. That bad experience has apparently blinded him to the damage he has done to our First Amendment speech rights with his absolutely useless campaign reform. There's more, but let's leave it at that.
I believe, however, that anyone can do the same to any other politician or any celebrity for that matter. The question is will we be drawing the right conclusions.
Labels: John McCain, Psychological Motivation
This Day in the History of Unfair Fights

Labels: WWII history; European theater
Thought of the Day
Thomas Jefferson
Labels: Thomas Jefferson quote
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Tales of a Vanishing Population

Sooo cute! and scientists tell us that they are endangered. Here are some tidbits from a fascinating little article.
[The polar bear is the] only predator that will actively stalk a human.
Dennis Compayre raises bushy grey eyebrows as he listens to the environmentalists predict the polar bear's demise. "They say the numbers are down from 1,200 to around 900, but I think I know as much about polar bears as anyone, and I tell you there are as many bears here now as there were when I was a kid..."
Flying into Churchill, the weather seems cold enough.
If minus 5C means the greenhouse effect is upon us, heaven knows what it was like before.
According to my taxi driver, however, the seasons have changed, and by rights it should be a whole lot colder.
"Last week, it was minus 20C, but now it's suddenly warmed up again, and not long ago that never happened," he informs me.
In Churchill, the effects of this odd upsurge in temperature are clear.
By this time of year, Hudson Bay has usually refrozen and the bears are beginning to slide off to hunt seals on the fringe of the ice-sheet.
After freezing briefly, however, it has now melted again, and so the bears are still very much among us.

The guy in Churchill, Canada says it's been warmer than he remembers, who am I to argue? The other guy in the story says there are as many polar bears as ever, who are you to argue?
Labels: Polar Bears, Science; Global Warming
This Day in Forgotten History
Labels: Jordan History
Friday, December 07, 2007
Insomnia Theater
It's so bad, it's good. Camp doesn't begin to describe the complete over the top, guilty pleasure this pitiful B movie wonderfully is. For one it has Hugh Grant, looking very young but being exactly the same as he has been in every movie since. The real treat is Amanda Donahoe looking pretty darn good and just enjoying the heck out of her super villainess role. She sprays green venom on a crucifix on the wall of a farmhouse from 4 inch fangs in a wide open mouth. That's the first thing she does to reveal she's actually more than just a cougar eccentric in a hot Jaguar XKE. "Do you have children?" ask Grant and Donahoe, as Lady Sylvia Marsh, replies, "Only when there are no men around."
Then it gets really weird.
Some of the acting is so bad as to cause actual pain to the viewer, and the story is worthless, but you see in some of the flashbacks, and in parts of the strange Concorde dream sequence, the final flare ups of the cooling embers of a profligate and somewhat wasted cinematic genius.
If you don't expect a thing, you will have a ball.
Labels: Lair of the White Worm
Tasteless Halloween Costumes

Labels: Politically Correct Halloween
Legislating Energy Production
Rep. George Radanovich (R-Calif.).
The above-referenced House bill failed to get to a final vote in the Senate today, losing 53-42, with some Democrats joining the Republican minority to block passage of the bill.
Republicans and the Bush administration have criticized the plan for including $21 billion in new tax revenues and setting rules requiring 15% of electricity production by 2020 to come from renewable resources.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the bill would “finally put Americans on the path to solving the energy crisis,” and noted that automakers and environmental groups support the fuel economy increase to 35 miles per gallon by 2020.
What energy crisis? We have tons and tons of fuel in the Rocky mountains here in the United States and even more tons and tons up in the heavy oil and tar sands north of Edmonton. Renewable energy will become affordable (and more than 1 or 2% of the world's energy) when there's nothing left but renewable energy. Until then we ought to use responsibly the fossil fuels we can find. It's not like oil, gas and coal in the ground is doing anyone any good.
I could be wrong but I thought the essential reason for energy legislation was to make more of it available (and therefore cheaper) rather than this plan, which taxed it at a much higher rate (making it less available and more expensive). Maybe the Democrats are so deep into global warming nonsense that they actually do want to make fossil fuel less available and more expensive in the hope that the little people will use less of it. ANWAR, bans on offshore production, even Colorado's new 'Watermelon' oil and gas commission, all seem to point to that basic truth.
Some people are saying that this defeat is just temporary, wait 'til next year and the Democrats will really put the screws to energy producers and consumers.
Could be.
UPDATE: David Freddoso, whoever that is, at the NRO agrees with me that the bill is worthless. Here's what he said at The Corner:
That Awful Energy Bill [David Freddoso]
It failed to get cloture today. I don't see why we don't just scrap the thing, it has absolutely no redeeming value. They will probably try it again without the Renewable Portfolio Standard (which forces utilities to waste money on non-feasible sources of energy like solar and biomass), which will give it a better chance of passage. But Bush would be a fool to sign this bill or anything like it.
It will make gas more expensive, it will make cars more expensive, and it won't produce any new energy. There's just no reason to pass an energy bill at all, especially if it looks like this one.
There is only one reason this bill didn't die long ago. Big Corn and Big Ethanol are demanding ludicrous, multi-billion gallon fuel-use mandates so that they can maintain their parasitic attachment to Americans' private wealth. And they have bought the Republican Party in the Heartland every bit as much as they have bought the Democrats there.
I have never been a fan of John McCain, but he attracts me if only because he is willing to speak out against this madness. Ron Paul might be the only other candidate willing to do so.
Labels: Democratic Congressional Failure
This Day in Ancient History

Labels: Murder of Cicero
Thought of the Day
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Overseas Box Office
Lions for Lambs -- $28.5 Million after four weeks. Apparently the Europeans and/or Asians like this movie more than we did.
The Kingdom -- $35 Million in nine weeks. We liked this one more here.
Rendition -- $6.7 Million in seven weeks. Weak both here and over there.
Redacted -- $28.8 Thousand in three weeks. Universal disaster.
Labels: Anti-War Movie Grosses, Foreign Box Office
The Flaws In The Iran Report
Very well stated observations.....
Rarely has a document from the supposedly hidden world of intelligence had such an impact as the National Intelligence Estimate released this week. Rarely has an administration been so unprepared for such an event. And rarely have vehement critics of the "intelligence community" on issues such as Iraq's weapons of mass destruction reversed themselves so quickly.
All this shows that we not only have a problem interpreting what the mullahs in Tehran are up to, but also a more fundamental problem: Too much of the intelligence community is engaging in policy formulation rather than "intelligence" analysis, and too many in Congress and the media are happy about it. President Bush may not be able to repair his Iran policy (which was not rigorous enough to begin with) in his last year, but he would leave a lasting legacy by returning the intelligence world to its proper function.
Consider these flaws in the NIE's "key judgments," which were made public even though approximately 140 pages of analysis, and reams of underlying intelligence, remain classified.
First, the headline finding -- that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 -- is written in a way that guarantees the totality of the conclusions will be misread. In fact, there is little substantive difference between the conclusions of the 2005 NIE on Iran's nuclear capabilities and the 2007 NIE. Moreover, the distinction between "military" and "civilian" programs is highly artificial, since the enrichment of uranium, which all agree Iran is continuing, is critical to civilian and military uses. Indeed, it has always been Iran's "civilian" program that posed the main risk of a nuclear "breakout."
The real differences between the NIEs are not in the hard data but in the psychological assessment of the mullahs' motives and objectives. The current NIE freely admits to having only moderate confidence that the suspension continues and says that there are significant gaps in our intelligence and that our analysts dissent from their initial judgment on suspension. This alone should give us considerable pause.
Second, the NIE is internally contradictory and insufficiently supported. It implies that Iran is susceptible to diplomatic persuasion and pressure, yet the only event in 2003 that might have affected Iran was our invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, not exactly a diplomatic pas de deux. As undersecretary of state for arms control in 2003, I know we were nowhere near exerting any significant diplomatic pressure on Iran. Nowhere does the NIE explain its logic on this critical point. Moreover, the risks and returns of pursuing a diplomatic strategy are policy calculations, not intelligence judgments. The very public rollout in the NIE of a diplomatic strategy exposes the biases at work behind the Potemkin village of "intelligence."
Third, the risks of disinformation by Iran are real. We have lost many fruitful sources inside Iraq in recent years because of increased security and intelligence tradecraft by Iran. The sudden appearance of new sources should be taken with more than a little skepticism. In a background briefing, intelligence officials said they had concluded it was "possible" but not "likely" that the new information they were relying on was deception. These are hardly hard scientific conclusions. One contrary opinion came from -- of all places -- an unnamed International Atomic Energy Agency official, quoted in the New York Times, saying that "we are more skeptical. We don't buy the American analysis 100 percent. We are not that generous with Iran." When the IAEA is tougher than our analysts, you can bet the farm that someone is pursuing a policy agenda.
Fourth, the NIE suffers from a common problem in government: the overvaluation of the most recent piece of data. In the bureaucracy, where access to information is a source of rank and prestige, ramming home policy changes with the latest hot tidbit is commonplace, and very deleterious. It is a rare piece of intelligence that is so important it can conclusively or even significantly alter the body of already known information. Yet the bias toward the new appears to have exerted a disproportionate effect on intelligence analysis.
Fifth, many involved in drafting and approving the NIE were not intelligence professionals but refugees from the State Department, brought into the new central bureaucracy of the director of national intelligence. These officials had relatively benign views of Iran's nuclear intentions five and six years ago; now they are writing those views as if they were received wisdom from on high. In fact, these are precisely the policy biases they had before, recycled as "intelligence judgments."
That such a flawed product could emerge after a drawn-out bureaucratic struggle is extremely troubling. While the president and others argue that we need to maintain pressure on Iran, this "intelligence" torpedo has all but sunk those efforts, inadequate as they were. Ironically, the NIE opens the way for Iran to achieve its military nuclear ambitions in an essentially unmolested fashion, to the detriment of us all.
This Day in the History of Success at Last
Labels: Irish Free State
Thought of the Day
Albert Einstein
Labels: Albert Einstein quote
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Feelings of Trepidation
What is likely to happen in the case? My guess is that the Supreme Court will reverse and remand. They'll probably say that there is a Constitutional right to habeas jurisdiction for the Guantanamo detainees, and then remand back to the D.C. Circuit to shape its proceedings in light of the constitutional requirement. Based on Kennedy's questions, I expect they'll also say that they interpret the DTA to allow a wide range of Constitutional challenges by detainees when they bring suit in the D.C. Circuit following their CSRT decisions. That's my guess, at least.
This would be madness. There is no constitutional habeas corpus right for legal combatants; there certainly is none for illegal combatants.
The Second Amendment DC case scheduled to be heard later next year, now known as District of Columbia v. Heller, is even clearer, yet I fear the Learned 9 will blow that one too.
I need to go see a comedy or something. You know, here was a time I had faith that the Supreme Court would actually do the right thing. Ah, memories
Labels: Constitutional Habeas Corpus; 2nd Amendment
Weakness in Boulder
Robert Goodloe Harper
The stalwart University of Colorado agreed today to settle, for nearly $3 Million, with two former students, who had a party off campus, got really drunk (on their own), had sex with guys they didn't know, and certainly regretted that later*, at least before they started drinking heavily again. But what has that got to do with CU, you ask? That is an excellent question.
If you twist the unnecessary, counterproductive laws we all call Title IX beyond all recognition, then there was the beginning of the color of an argument that CU was on the hook for the boorish (but not criminal) behavior of high school student athletes, inter alia, being shown a not inaccurate taste of what life is like for student athletes at CU (and nearly every other large state university in the country), that is, being recruited. So the university folded like a cheap card table in light of the 10th Circuit's bad decision in September about the previously unknown coverage of Title IX to girls' off campus private parties which male athletes might attend. Title IX's original purpose was to make female student athletes equal to their male counterparts, not to protect heavy drinking, foolish young women off campus. The federal appeals court had reinstated the girls' 'Title IX' lawsuit against CU, and CU today bailed. Part of the reason outgoing temporary president of the university Hank Brown (R) gave for the decision was that to win would have cost a million to a million and a half in University attorney fees, and also they wanted to get out of the stink these girls were making regarding recruitment practices.
Makes you wonder if they'll also bail on the lawsuit (now pending in Denver District Court, before good guy Judge Larry Naves) by faux Indian, sham scholar, former Department Head and Professor Ward Churchill, who has merely a masters degree from a school no one has ever heard of. They would probably win that lawsuit in a walk as well.
I am so glad my children wouldn't even apply to CU.
The Wages of Sin are... substantial.
* I am basing my disdain for the girls' claims of sexual assault on the decision of the Boulder DA not to bring any charges in the matter. It is rape in this State to have sex with a woman whom you know is too blitzed to consent, so it's not like there was a hole in the law. Here there just was not sufficient proof of rape even to call it that in my book. The young men have said there was consent by women not too drunk to know what was going on. Maybe it's the fallout from the Duke Lacrosse case, but I generally believe the less drunk witnesses in these sorts of cases.
UPDATE: My description of the basic function of Title IX was too narrow. It's not just about sports at school, it's about all school activities. And Ward Churchill has filed his treatened suit not just threatened to file it. Sorry.
Labels: CU; Title IX; Drunk girls having sex
This Day in the History of Correcting Big Mistakes
Labels: Repeal of Prohibition
Thought of the Day
Beauty and wisdom rarely mix.
Labels: Petronius quote
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Iranian Nuclear Weapons
There's a lot of discussion about the National Intelligence Estimates regarding Iran's nuclear weapon program. The spies seem to be pretty sure Iran stopped the program when we finished Gulf War II in 2003 and it's possible they never have restarted it.
Does the CIA help put out the NIE? What is the CIA's 'batting average' regarding foreign nations nuclear weapon's programs? It's like 0. They've never been right. Nearly every Foreign nuclear explosion (other than Great Britain's and France's or the one the Commies announced ahead of time) have been news to the CIA. They admit that after Gulf War I, Saddam's nuclear weapons program was much more advanced than they thought.
What do the Israelis say? They were able to locate, raid and destroy a nuclear weapons fabrication point in Syria just a few weeks ago. I'll go with them.
And they say Iran is doing just what Ahmadinejad says they are doing, making weapons grade uranium in order to make a few bombs to destroy Israel.
Labels: NIE
Some Proof That Longevity is Hereditary

Labels: Celebrity Trivia
This Day in the History of Creepy Coincidences

Labels: WWII history; Pacific theater
Thought of the Day
Seneca the Younger
He who is everwhere is nowhere.
Labels: Seneca the Younger quote
Monday, December 03, 2007
Lip Puffing

Labels: Paris Hilton; Cosmetic Lips
Anti-War Movie Box Office Report
Lion for Lambs is at #18 in its 4th week, having grossed domestically $14 Million on a star studded $35 Million budget. That's not a successful movie.
Redacted is at #62 in its third week and is playing in less than a dozen theaters. The site doesn't list its budget (although I believe it was a modest $5 Million) but its domestic gross is truly pathetic at $54 Thousand. That's thousand, with a T.
In the Valley of Elah, which has been around almost a quarter, is at #72 with a very pathetic $6.7 Million domestic gross.
Two earlier films, Rendition and The Kingdom, are apparently no longer being shown in theaters, and topped out with domestic grosses of 9.7 Million and 47.5 Million respectively. The latter, which was a somewhat apolitical action flick, was merely a disappointment at the box office rather than the serious disasters the other movies were and are. And I'm barely aware there was an earlier anti-war film late last year, Home of the Brave, which vanished without a trace with a domestic gross of next to nothing, $25 Thousand, a worldwide gross of a quarter million dollars and a $12 Million budget. Ouch, that one hurts.
Even the unpopular wars in Korea and Viet Nam had a few good movies come out of them.
I'll research the foreign grosses in the next few weeks.
Labels: Anti-War Movie Grosses