Friday, August 17, 2007


Foreseeing the Bloody Obvious

I predicted that the far left would not be happy that Jose Padilla got his day in court. Not the thinnest of branches out on which I have gone. Behold the traitorous left. Samples:

I'm having a hard time understanding why much of the evidence
againstnPadilla wasn't thrown out as obtained by unconstitutional
means. This case is going to be tied up in appeals for a very long time, and hopefully some of those crazy Federalist Society nut cases on the Supreme Court will be replaced by judicial moderates of liberals in the mean time. I hate to hope for ill health for anyone, but sometimes I think a sudden coronary thrombosis is just what this country needs.

Fear is being used to poison the minds of the jurors, and fear almost always wins out over reason when presented by authority figures in a courtroom.
This trial is not be conducted based upon evidence; we have become a nation gripped by terror.
Bin-Laden wins. We lose.

He was in "fact" found guilty of... being a non-white American citizen.
Everyone knows "they" have no rights.

Horrible miscarriage of justice This is terrible. Should we be surprised that this verdict came out of Miami?
Sadly, no

ad infinitem

Ace of Spades puts it well: Is it too much to ask that those who pose as favoring law enforcement over military measures in fighting terrorism take the next step and actually, you know, support law enforcement measures and hope for good outcomes?

With the loopy left, yes, it is too much to ask.


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