Friday, January 26, 2007


More Good News From Afghanistan

War blogger The Strategy Page has a good report about how things are going in Afghanistan now, just months from the Dreaded Spring Offensive of the Taliban (which I call the antithesis of guerilla warfare--sort of a "Come out, come out, wherever you are--Blam). Money quote:

In the south, NATO commandos are having success in finding out where Taliban commanders are, and killing or capturing them. There are about three dozen Taliban commanders in the south, and if enough of them can be taken out of action, this year's Taliban offensive will collapse.

I wrote recently about the state of the Taliban fighter's shoes, in a prediction that the particular front in the global war against Jihadists in Afghanistan was soon to end well for us, and got a raft of abuse mainly from an ex-pat reader in the Czech Republic. Go ahead and throw it in my face, Mike, when what's left of the Taliban comes out of the caves and gets absolutely slaughtered yet again. I dare ya'.

We will see Roger. And don't forget that Tony was the first to debunk your shoe theory. Also, your shoe story runs in direct contrast to the reports that Taliban fighters equiped with winter gear are continuing the fight through the winter for the first time this year.

This will not be ending well or soon for us, and the Spring Offensive will be stronger than last year.

Just my opinion.

This is a gentleman's bet, between you and I.
Agreed. But let's set what wins or loses--if the Taliban come out and get slaughtered again but more get slaughtered than last year, who wins the bet? Is it determined by size of the conflict or by success of that conflict? Would less casualties on our and NATO's side be the deciding numbers even if the conflict is noticeably larger? Or does noticeably larger trump all. Just want to set the parameters. And Tony didn't debunk my shoe posting-- he just added more detail. I believe every Afghani with a nose, ears and ten toes and fingers knows how to dress appropriately for their brutal Winter. What the heck is winter gear anyway? Sounds like a western concept, to me.
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