Wednesday, November 20, 2019



Although James Cameron's Aliens is a treasure trove of great one liners, recently I have been constantly thinking of Ripley's "Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?"

I think I am reacting to politics, specifically the laughable if it wasn't so serious impeachment follies.

Background: The Constitution allows impeachment for Treason, Bribery, High Crimes or Misdemeanors. Each of those things is a crime. It is a broad field of crimes to pick from, but impeachment has to be for a crime. 

Apparently, the Democrats managing the sad farce have used focus groups to decide which is better to present to the American people to gin up support of impeachment for no crime, the easy to understand Latin phrase quid pro quo or the crime bribery. Bribery is what they went with. Not the President being bribed by a foreign leader, but Trump somehow, somewhere bribing a foreign leader to do something generally beneficial to America.

Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?

The founders were worried that a foreign leader would bribe our President to do something not generally beneficial to America. They could have cared less if our President bribed a foreign leader to do something good for us.

In fact, foreign aid, is essentially bribe money for foreign leaders to do something good for us. Asking for something good for America from the foreigners we give the aid to is inherent in each grant. Paragraph 2 of Section 2 of Article II gives the President sole control over our foreign policy. He can ask for something in return for foreign aid. It is perfectly normal among all nations and is not a crime. It's not even in the same universe as a crime.

I wouldn't mind the Democrats committing political seppuku through this joke of impeachment of Trump for doing his job, but it isn't funny, and it is in fact very tedious and the only thing it reveals is how completely stupid many of our elected officials are. Oh, and how stupid all the Democrats and most media types (but I repeat myself) are to continue to try to right the "wrong" of Trump winning, fair and square, the 2016 Presidential election. 

14 years until a Civil War, very like the Spanish Civil War, breaks out. Hope I'm dead by then.

Oh, and am I the only one who thinks the ineffective space marine Lt. in Aliens looks a little like Adam Schiff?

UPDATE: Great minds think alike. Behold Andrew McCarthy's understanding of the bribery mentioned in the Constitution here.


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