Monday, February 11, 2019


Thought of the Day

The Green New Deal, which is supposed to be about fighting the pressing threat of slightly different temperatures in the next century, also contains a bunch of other stuff that one might not think play a part in controlling the climate. Odd, but these prescriptions to reach whatever perfect temperature we are supposed to reach (the creepy weather cultists never seem to tell us what the “right” temperature is) correspond exactly to the classic Marxist wish list – redistribution, nationalization, and the central planning of the economy. Strange how that works. 

Kurt Schlichter


Charles C.W. Cooke:

"Quite what has possessed a 28-year-old, unmarried, childless bartender to consider herself capable of redesigning the entire world within a decade remains steadfastly unclear. Indeed, it does not seem to have occurred to either Ocasio-Cortez or to the more experienced politicians who have willingly become her disciples that they are endorsing a revolutionary screed penned by a person who has never so much as dealt directly with a local school board. At this point in her life, Ocasio-Cortez has no experience of anything much at all. She has no history of business ownership; she boasts no military service; she exhibits no vocational skills; she has raised no children; she has not dealt seriously with a zoning committee or a regulatory agency or a union boss; she has not written, amended, or influenced a single alteration to the legal regime under which we live. In and of itself, there is nothing wrong with this state of affairs. To each his own, and good luck to all. But Jeffrey Lebowski did not fancy himself as Lenin."

He does have a way with words, doesn't he?
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