Thursday, July 28, 2016


My Neighborhood

Here is the bridge near Mamie Eisenhower Park about 1/2 mile from my house under which former District Court Judge Larry Manzanares took his life in 2007. At least he didn't do it in his home or back yard. The back story is that he graduated from University of Denver Cum Laude and from Harvard Law and moved up from private practice to County Court to District Court in Denver. He was a good judge. He moved on to Denver City Attorney and that's where the trouble started. Apparently, he had helped himself to an excess computer from the closet where it sat unused and on the slide to obsolescence. Oops. They can trace those things on the internet and they did. At first, he denied it (big mistake) and then he turned it in saying he bought it in parking lot. The press pounced. Next, he was charged with stealing and the rumors swirled that he had downloaded porn onto it, but not the kind you can shrug off with 'everyone looks at that.' He ate his gun hours after his arraignment. His post arrest photo published in the Denver Post is haunting.


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