Friday, October 25, 2013


It's Science, Bitches

Chris Mooney, Yalie English major and Alarmist AGW true believer, has taken a break from being horribly wrong about the weather and continued the left's attack on the Republican Party at the ever slightly unhinged Mother Jones magazine. Read it here.

You see, most leftists' world vision is so narrow that they cannot comprehend the actual fact that other rational people might not share their political beliefs. Because the left tends to totalitarianism, it is not possible in their minds that their opposition might be moral, well-educated, and compassionate--for the left the opposition is always evil and stupid, or perhaps somewhat insane. The Soviet Union, for example, once they stopped merely murdering those who did not toe the Communist line, put the opposition in mental hospitals. Mooney seems to be championing that position regarding Republicans by leaning heavily on fellow Yalie "moral psychologist" Jonathan Haidt who has pioneered work in this social science field.

Here are some tid-bits:

My analysis is that the Tea Party really wants [the] Indian law of Karma, which says that if you do something bad, something bad will happen to you, if you do something good, something good will happen to you," says Haidt. "And if the government interferes and breaks that link, it is evil. That I think is much of the passion of the Tea Party.”

In other words, while you may think your political opponents are immoral—and while they probably think the same of you—Haidt's analysis shows that the problem instead is that they are too moral, albeit in a visceral rather than an intellectual sense.

Yeah, the tea party is made up of morons who are moral. Got it. The psychobabble continues.

"The rage on the Republican side is stronger, the Republicans have gotten much more extreme than the Democrats have," Haidt says.

Rage or the deadly sin 'ira' is generally found in slightly insane morons, you see.

I hate to break this to you, pal, but if you're not enraged by our nation's leadership lately, you haven't been paying attention.

I think Mooney's and Haidt's opinions about the Tea Party would be much more credible if they had ever actually talked to one.


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