Saturday, October 06, 2012


Left Coast

I'm in Palo Alto for our yearly freshman dorm reunion. Little did we know that our next President lived in our dorm (Rinconada) the only year he attended Stanford. He was on my floor but not in my room. We didn't really discuss politics for fear, I think, of causing some bad feelings. I have to admit that I like being the dumbest guy in the room rather than the other way around. I got a real hug from our dorm faculty resident, true genius John Chowning, who's 78 and going very strong. Our host, Steve B, was perfect as usual but we could have used a drop by from a few more of our women dorm mates than the two who showed up. It felt weird to be all male for hours at a time. We'll see what happens next year before talking about making any changes.


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