Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Report on the American War Dead in Afghanistan and Iraq

According to Department of Defense releases for the month of May: Things are still warm in Iraq, with 25 war dead, of which 12 were combat related (that last is down slightly from what occurred last month). In Afghanistan, things appeared to be warming up at last, as there were nearly twice the battle deaths this month as in April.

Here is further breakdown. In Iraq, nine were killed by IEDs (just one more than last month), one died in combat operations, ten died from non combat causes (including 5 victims of mass murder), two died from small arms fire, and three died in accidents.

In Afghanistan, four died from IEDs, just one from non-combat causes, two died from small arms and three from direct fire, and one was killed in an accident. It's near the end of Spring there but there appears to be, again, no overwhelming, sweep out the infidel troops, dreaded Taliban Spring Offensive. Perhaps they have their hands full in Pakistan, where I am led to believe they are being defeated. The Pakistani Army appears to be somewhat effective after all. The total in Afghanistan was 11, nearly twice the number from last month. The total during May for the wars being waged against us is 36, slightly more than one per day, without the mass murder it would be precisely one per day.

It was a deadly month for officers including one officer woman who had graduated from the Air Force Academy down the road from here in Colorado Springs. These dead were: Major Matthew Houseal, 54, of Amarillo, Texas, who was one of the mass murder victims of Sgt. John Russell in Iraq; Commander Charles Springle, 52, of Wilmington, North Carolina, another Russel victim; Major Steven Hutchison, 60, of Scottsdale, Arizona, killed by an IED in Iraq; Major Jason George, 38 of Tehachepi, California, killed by an IED in Iraq; Lt. Colonel Mark Stratton, 39, of Houston, Texas, killed by an IED in Afghanistan; Commander Duane Wolfe, 54, Port Hueneve, California, killed by an IED in Iraq; 1st Lieutenant Leevi Barnard, 28, Mount Airy, North Carolina, killed by an IED in Iraq; and, 1st Lieutenant Roslyn Schulte, 25, of St. Louis, Missouri, killed by an IED in Afghanistan.

Our thoughts and prayers go to the families and loved ones of these fallen warriors, and all our hopes for their continued success goes to our men and women, mainly men, fighting overseas.


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