Saturday, March 07, 2009


Red Eye and Ann Coulter Clobber Keith's Cornell Claims!

It's nice to see an insecure elitist snob be revealed as an insecure elitist snob who didn't go to the Ivy League school he used to say he attended. I'm pretty sure Ann Coulter would not have told the world about the Ag school, associated with Ivy League Cornell, had not Olbermann made fun of Republican after Republican, whose choice for college or law school did not satisfy him. The best moment is when Olbermann actually shows his framed diploma, his Cornell Ag School diploma. He is a black hole of insecurity, and the world's most pompous Ag School graduate in communications. Good work, Ann.


Thank you for sharing this. It is the only time I have seen Ann Coulter when she was not weariing a black cocktail dress.

I like the little black cocktail dress, in fact I would prefer nothing better. It is a silly matter and Colter would have looked very petty if Olbermann had not reacted and produced on his show his framed diploma. Now he looks worse, a lot worse.
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