Saturday, December 13, 2008


Sic Semper Tyrannis

On this day in 2003, American forces captured Saddam Hussein, who was hiding in a hole near his hometown of Tikrit.

Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging a little over three years later. There's film of that, but I don't see the point of linking to it.

Think of where Hitler 'ate' his gun, in the Führerbunker in Berlin. It had generators, lights, bedrooms, radios, kitchens--all the comforts of home.

This hole in comparison to the bunker is about the same difference of historical importance between the two genocidal dictators. BIH, Saddam.


Think of where Hitler 'ate' his gun, in the Führerbunker in Berlin. It had generators, lights, bedrooms, radios, kitchens--all the comforts of home.

Which kind of leads me to believe that either (a) Saddam never believed we'd invade his sorry ass or (b) even if he did, he had no intention of going down with the ship.

Interesting. I think he thought we'd never invade. It was a safe bet until 9/11.

How does 9/11 relate to the invasion of Iraq?

Of course he never thought we would invade. He was too busy writing his romance novels.

Exactly, Roger. 9/11 simply changed the calculus of how we deal with rogue nations like Iraq, particularly in the Muslim world. There's no evidence that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11, and contrary to howler monkey leftist belief, the Bush administration made no such claim.
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