Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Global Warming--HA!

Here is the most recent UAH satellite record of the global mean temperature anomaly from the 'normal' average 1979 to 2000. May was indeed colder in most of the World than usual. Wonder what the RSS results will be and what the Summer will be like?

Up in the Arctic Basin, the sea ice is at 3.90 million square kilometers, just a bit below the 1979-2000 'normal'. It will be interesting to see how low that goes as well. Last year was somewhat alarming as it dipped to 2.75. If it stays well above 3 million, recovery from last Summer will be pretty much complete.


So I just want to be clear on your theory....

It is sunspot activity that is driving "climate change", both the surge we saw in the late 90's and the dropping off of temperatures that we are currently experiencing.

Therefore, we should see a recovery of the Arctic sea ice this summer since sunspot activity is low.

Is that correct?
It doesn't work that quickly but yes in theory there will continue to be a slight cooling trend as long as the sun remains quiet, that is no sunspots, or fewer sunspots than normal, and the magnetic forces are weak, as they are now. I don't know where the Arctic sea ice is going this summer. I hope it will be in better shape than last Summer. But I can't tell from a daily review of the photos and measurements via the U of Ill. We're down from the normal but not yet alarmingly so. Some areas are above normal and two areas which have been chronically low all year remain chronically low. I'll post on this stuff regularly through October.

I think I'm clear on that. Thanks.
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