Monday, April 07, 2008


The State of the Climate

There is more sea ice than usual.

Most of the Greenland center continues to add ice.

Most of Antarctica continues to add ice. The Antarctic Peninsula recently lost another small ice shelf (on the other side from the Larsen shelf that broke up 5 years ago). Climatologists say neither of these were there during the Medieval Warm Period.

The mean temperature has gone slightly up in the world for the past few months after a sharp, full degree decline over the past 12 months before that.

The flux density number from the sun is back down in the upper 60s (close to the lowest point) after a brief spike to the 80s. The sun is clear again after a raft of old cycle spots appeared. The real start of the next cycle may be delayed to July or even 2009.

The Mauna Loa observatory may show an actual decrease in atmospheric CO2 this past year.



The last thing I read on the issue stated that the Greenland icecap was melting at an unanticipated high rate. Was this merely a local phenonmenon?

You might want to take a look at this presentation on anthropogenic climate change.

As to Greenland, I don't know what the state of the icepack is, but it might be well to remember that prior to the mini ice age (during the medieval warm period), south Greenland was farmland; the farmers were driven out by the falling temperatures over a period of a couple of centuries.
We actually don't know what happened to the Western Greenland colonies. The sea ice of the little ice age kept the Icelanders from visiting and when they finally got back to Greenland, there was no one home. Thanks for the site.
Tony, around the edges and locally here and there. In more than 50% it's growing about 2 inches per year. Same heat that melted the Arctic Basin sea ice is to blame, I think. Both melted pretty alarmingly, but no general record from thousands of years before to compare it to.
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