Friday, September 14, 2007


The Old One, Two Combination

I really wish Guiliani had been well enough to have run against Hillary Clinton for the Senate seat in New York well over half a dozen years ago. He seems to be the only Republican candidate who is swinging back at the disgraceful treatment General Petraeus received from the left this past week.

First Giuliani runs this ad in the NYT (but not at the discounted rate the Times gave

(NYT stock hit a new low yesterday, below $20) That Pinch is sure one savvy newspaperman.

Then he has a pretty good 'shot across the bow' campaign ad.
See post above.

The Clinton response, through her myrmidons, has so far been weak: It's hardly surprising that Mayor Giuliani is running the first negative ad of the '08 campaign, given his inability to justify his unqualified support for President Bush's failed Iraq strategy.

Wow, what a comeback! "failed Iraq strategy" I guess they weren't listening at all to Gen. Petraeus and Amb. Crocker.

There's more: He'd love nothing more than for her or members of her campaign to respond in an agitated way to what is clearly at best a very dubious linkage between what Moveon does and what Hillary Clinton says.

Me? I settle for an unagitated explanation why Clinton called Petraeus a liar, without using the word liar.

Drudge's headline is: "It's On!" If this is the best the Clinton camp can do, please let that be true.


"I really wish Guiliani had been well enough to have run against Hillary Clinton for the Senate seat in New York well over half a dozen years ago."

At the time he withdrew from the race, Rudy was 10 points behind in the polls and dropping like a stone. Few New Yorkers believe his decision to withdraw had anything to do with his health- with his recent messy divorce, his public philandering, a decline in his support upstate, and general fatigue with him in the City, Rudy got out while the getting was good. It was a smart move.
Very interesting Peter b. I wonder, however, if it was a case of "I have not yet begun to fight" as well. By the way, oh fountain of lefty knowledge, if you can name three major accomplishments in the Senate Hillary has sponsored or done? I can't think of even one.

I have heard that the Petagon criteria for sectarian violence was not all inclusive. Did all those dead Yazidis make the stats?

Other than that I think we should agree on terms of engagement, as it were.

If success is dead AQMs we are having a lot of success and the surge is working--I mean I supported the surge and I think it is working.

But if success is represented by any political benchmarks, which admittedly are beyond the control of our military, well then we are not succeeding.

There you go changing the subject again. Ok, I'll bite. Hillary turned out to be such a medicore senator that she only got 67% of the vote in her 2006 bid for re-election. She was even endorsed by Murdoch's paper, the New York Post. Polls consistently show that most New Yorkers think she's been an excellent hardworking effective low profile senator. "When Clinton entered the United States Senate, she maintained a low public profile as she built relationships with senators from both parties, to avoid the polarizing celebrity she experienced as First Lady.[65][111][112][113]
It was reported that when Elizabeth Dole joined the Senate in 2003 under somewhat similar circumstances, she modeled her initial approach after Clinton's,[114] as did the nationally visible Barack Obama in 2005.[115]"

1. 2001-she helped secure $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment.

2. In 2005, Clinton and Senator Lindsey Graham cosponsored the American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition, which provides incentives and rewards for completely domestic American manufacturing companies

3. Senator Clinton led a bipartisan effort to bring broadband access to rural communities. She cosponsored the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act, which encourages research and development in the field of nanotechnology.[140] She included language in an energy bill to provide tax exempt bonding authority for environmentally conscious construction projects,[141] and introduced an amendment that funds job creation to repair, renovate and modernize public schools.[141]

While she was doing this, Rudy was busy making as much money as he could of of the memories of 9/11 and tried to doistance himself as much as possible from Berard kerik.
Tony, good point that the war picture is different from the political picture, but of course the general would talk about the war.
Peter, I don't see how talking about Hillary in a post about Hillary and Guiliani is changing the subject. Your list of Hillary accomplishments is pretty threadbare, don't you agree?
"Peter, I don't see how talking about Hillary in a post about Hillary and Guiliani is changing the subject."

You were replying to my response which was totally about Rudy. The only issue I was raising was your statement that Rudy dropped out of the senatorial race for health reasons.

"Your list of Hillary accomplishments is pretty threadbare, don't you agree?"

You asked for three major accomplishments and I gave you three major accomplishments, based on about 30 seconds research. Now you want to argue about the quality of these accomplishments?
Look, i don't necessarily support Hillary's run for president at this
time, but like the overwhelming majority of my fellow New Yorkers, of all political leanings, i am very satisfied with the job she has done as senator.
PS: The last statement by the new York Post on Hillary was that she was "a pretty good senator". When you consider how far right Murdoch's paper is, that is high praise indeed.
Peter, what part of New York are you in ? And do you really think that

1. 2001-she helped secure $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment.

is a "major accomplishment " ? That's a one foot putt if that. Easy isn't the word. How much lobbying did that really take ?
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