Wednesday, September 12, 2007
It's been a while.......
.....I have neglected my duties here at the XDA blog...I know. However, Roger will even tell you I have been extremely busy, on something that is going to be cooler than the other side of the pillow.
In the meantime, I'm looking for some ice skates, because it's quite apparent that Hell has frozen over. David Lee Roth is back in Van Halen, and they are actually touring.
These dates in the link are but maybe half. My sources inside the VH camp tell me of more dates after Xmas.
In case you are wondering, they are only my favorite band, of all time. To my chagrin, the ever solid bass player, Michael Anthony, has been dubiously replaced by Eddie's son, Wolfgang, all of 16 years old. But, hey, it seems like a love fest....and whatever Ed needs to release new music and let the creative juices be it.