Wednesday, August 15, 2007


This Day in the Long, Long History of CIA Failures

On this day in 1961, East Germany began building the Berlin Wall. Our vaunted intelligence service had not a clue.


And President Kennedy didn’t stop it. We sent up tanks and backed down. This and the Bay of Pigs convinced the Soviets, according to Mr. Kruschev's writings, that we could be pushed around, so the Cuban Missile Crisis developed. Perceptions mean a lot, remember President Reagan, and unfortunately who we elect as President and what they project can make a big difference in world opinion and influencing adventuresome adversaries. This election will tell us whether the American people understand that what is at stake and it is not abortion, embryonic stem cell research, sub prime victimization or gay rights.
Well stated. When the tanks rolled up to Checkpoint Charlie, they were completely devoid of cannon shells. A bluff that did not get called, but which achieved nothing. Cuban Missile Crisis was also reaction/payback for Bay of Pigs, but I agree about Kruschev's perception and importance of what people think of our President. Thanks for the comment.
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