Monday, July 02, 2007


More Doctors Than A Wednesday Afternoon Foursome

Despite the popular, but mistaken, theme in news coverage of Islamic terrorism that all Muslim terrorists are disaffected youths--poor, hopeless, disenfranchised, and desperate--we're learning that the B team of al Qaeda in Incompetence was full of highly educated people including now five doctors. Not exactly the Lower Depths there.

The explosives in London were packed into two Mercedes Benz's rather than a Ford Escort or Morris Mini or whatever the poor people drive in England. Did they buy them with no down payments or credit checks? Let's all agree to strike 'poverty' from the things that cause Muslims to turn terrorist. Deal?



"Dear kindly Roger Fraley
You gotta understand,
It's just our bringing up-ke
That gets us out of hand.
Our mothers all are lawyers,
Our fathers all are profs,
Peace be unto the Prophet,
Natcherly we're off.

Gee ex DA Fraley, it's very Darwinian,
Although we were born to privilege,
We wish we were Palestinian,
We drive silver Mercedes,
We go to the West End,
But deep down inside us we are bent.

We are bent!

We are bent, we are bent,
And we do resent
All the Brits, be they Cockneys be they gents.

Hey we're depraved on account of not being deprived!

I hate the Bristish Isles,
Where I recieved my M.D.,
I hate secular humanists unto the Nth degree,
I detest her Royal Highness,
I can't stand Gordon Brown,
So let's plant a bomb and then leave town.

We'll leave town, we'll leave town,
We're Australia bound,
Then it's on to Waziristani ground.

I'm now a Jihadi, I'll go to paradise,
There are seventy-two houris,
I'll know they'll treat me nice,
Oh no I've been arrested,
They'll put me in the dock,
And throw me in a cell and turn the lock.

Perhaps I'll go to Parkhurst,
It's on the Isle of Wight,
I'll feel the gentle sea breeze Come through the bars at night,
They may send to Whitemoor,
To Segregation U,
But what ever happens I am through.

He is through!

He through, he is through,
And he killed no Jews,
So he'll rot in Pokey
With the blues.

Gee Ex DA Fraley,
Our bombs they were duds,
Our foray into Scotland,
Got us stuck in the mud,
We tried to cause mayhem,
We fell flat on our face,
As Muslims and as Doctors we're a disgrace."
Just Excellent, papa.
I second the motion: brilliant.

But Roger, who ever said that terrorist were exclusively poor? Bin Laden comes from one of the richest families in Saudi Arabia. Clearly, they can recruit easily from the poor, but this is only part of the story. In fact, the idea that the terrorist recruit exclusively from the poor is more of a wing-nut talking point that seeks to further denigrate the anti-western movement. It goes like this...

There aren't really that many people who hate the west and strap bombs to their chest out of principle. They are mostly just young, poor people with no options and they are being used by a few crazed clerics who manipulate these poor souls who have no other options.

So essentially you are just tearing down one of your sides talking points.

This should show you that the anger runs throughout the Muslim world: poor people, rich people, middle-class people. The hate is not class based. The complaint centers around the corrupt western-backed governments of the middle-east.

You know, just for the record.
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