Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Thought of the Day

Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.

A. J. Liebling


Very good quote on the day the Rupert Murdoch buys the Wall Street Journal.
I'm of two minds on that. I hope he doesn't want to try to micromanage the thing. It's doing fine.
Yeah, rest assured. Murdoch would NEVER use one of his assets for spreading his political message.

He is the champion of the sacred trust we bestow on the non-biased media.
I knew all y'all liked journalists, but "sacred trust" is a bit more than I would have expected.

Also, could you do me the favor of pointing me toward this "non-biased media" you mention? I keep looking, but so far, no luck.
Who says the press ought to be unbiased. We still have (a few)conservative papers and (more) lefty papers, etc. and we had them even clearer years ago. It appears to us right thinking types that the 'unbiased' experiment is being abandoned indeed lately too even the 'unbiased' pretext.

As for your sarcasm regarding Fox News, I think Murdoch, like Rush before him, sees an untapped market for center right thinkers and wants to enter it and make a lot of money. I'm not sure that's a political decision for Murdoch. Are you really in the camp that sees ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR, MSNBC, and most major US papers as unbiased, dead smack center and Fox News as a horrible far right propaganda machine? I would have pegged you as smarter than that.
There is no such thing as unbiased media. My comment was well into tongue-and-cheek. The "sacred trust" bit is an inside jab at my neo-con uncle (sorry, wrong venue) who claims the MSM is violated said trust.


Your laundry list is much too long and diverse to lump into one unit. Lets just say I think that most of those on the list do a much better job of finding the center than does Fox.

The real pity is that one of the few right-wing outlets with journalistic integrity will shortly have its obituary written.
You're talking about the WSJ?
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