Thursday, April 19, 2007


Rational Anti-Gun Arguments

Walter Shapiro, the Washington DC bureau chief for (how does that place continue to exist? Last time I heard it was 88 million in debt), makes the rational, but wrong, argument that we could cut down on gun violence by repeal of the Second Amendment. Bring it on, Walter.

At least he is bold enough to acknowledge that the "throwback" Second Amendment stands in the way of gun bans. He's pretty arrogant for someone so lacking in basic analytical skills about the issue.

Money quote:

Times change, generations pass and attitudes evolve. As fears of crime recede in many places, nervous homeowners may no longer be obsessed with having a .45 by the bedside to blow away phantom intruders.

I was about to say as soon as crime is gone, I'll give up my guns, but I won't. I don't keep them for self defense or hunting (although I do go hunting). I keep them because I like to shoot paper targets, I like to increase my skill in this oh so 18th Century pasttime, according to Shapiro.

Please, lefties, listen to this guy and make the wasteful (and even counterproductive) political effort to repeal the Second Amendment. You can do it.


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