Friday, March 16, 2007
Rough Work For Nifong Replacements in Durham
ABC News has the not very surprising tale that the so called victim in the Duke Lacrosse players non-rape case is not being very co-operative with the prosecutors from the Attorney General's offce, who have had to take over this dog of a case after Durham DA Mike Nifong screwed up so badly he may well be disbarred. The article spends about two of its four pages talking about how sexual assault victims (real ones, that is) have difficulty remembering the crime.
I have a different explanation--she's been lying since day one and doesn't want to go to jail for false reporting now that the incredibly naive, 'I'll buy as many versions as you have' DA is off the case.
I have a different explanation--she's been lying since day one and doesn't want to go to jail for false reporting now that the incredibly naive, 'I'll buy as many versions as you have' DA is off the case.