Saturday, March 17, 2007


Fair and Balanced Proposal Regarding Plame

I am perfectly willing to admit that members of the federal government should be more careful about talking to reporters about people who work at the CIA. It could be that they are talking about desk jockies with neither a history nor a future in the field, but it could be they are either exposing spies or undoing things those spies have accomplished.

That being said, it's kind of important for an honest to Pete real spy not to allow her spouse to invite the spotlight on his whole family (by first her proposing the spouse for a 'spy' mission and then by his lying about that and about the spy mission itself in the New York Times), and it certainly should be the practice of a real spy who does not want anyone to recognize her for her secret past, not to pose for Vanity Fair cameras.

I think Valerie Plames career as a spy, such as it was, was over for several reasons, not the least of which was that she was a mother of twins, well before Richard Armitage mentioned her to Bob Woodward and Bob Novak, but it certainly was over when she posed for the cover of a big glossy magazine.

These guys agree. I wonder if there are any reasonable people on the left who can.

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