Wednesday, January 24, 2007


An Invidious Comparison

As Dr. Walter E. Williams pointed out in his column today at TownHall, there is a movement to compare skeptics of Global Warming (caused primarily by human activity) to the evil geeks who deny that German troops murdered 6 million Jews during WWII, Holocaust deniers. He was not the only one to notice it:

Cullen's call for decertification of TV weathermen who do not agree with her global warming assessment follows a year (2006) in which the media, Hollywood and environmentalists tried their hardest to demonize scientific skeptics of manmade global warming. Scott Pelley, CBS News 60 Minutes correspondent, compared skeptics of global warming to "Holocaust deniers" and former Vice President turned foreign lobbyist Al Gore has repeatedly referred to skeptics as "global warming deniers."

Scott Pelley is among the most fatuous of the broadcast journalist and indeed when you look in the dictionary under the term "undeservedly pompous," there's a picture of him. And Gore has been pretty looney every since he won the popular vote but lost the election in 2000. Despite these seriously flawed sources, it remains a horrible comparison which we cannot just write off to un-serious sources. First it demeans the death and suffering of the Jews and, to a much lesser degree, Gypsies, et al. during the war, which industrialized murder still stands high in the ranks of worst governmental crimes ever. Second, the Holocaust actually happened, years ago. There is human memory, documents, photos, and physical locations to make denying its existence both foolish and wrong.

The predictions of a substantial and terrible future climate change are just the opposite of history. They are predictions, from meteorologists no less. My weatherman barely knows what the weather will be like tomorrow. He certainly doesn't know what it will be 30 days from today and to believe that anyone can know what the weather will be 100 years from now is like believing in magic. There are only computer models in support and they are flawed computer models. To compare a non-belief in a demonstrable past to skepticism about predictions of a non-existent (yet) future is to turn logic and good sense on its head. So of course this scandalous comparison is coming from the left.

"And Gore has been pretty looney every since he won the popular vote but lost the election in 2000."

What a strong, persuasive argument. You've convinced me.
"And Gore has been pretty looney every since he won the popular vote but lost the election in 2000."

What a strong persuasive argument. You've convinced me.
You are easily convinced, then or you are resorting to the weapon of the weak, sarcasm--even if you say it twice.
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