Tuesday, December 12, 2006
This Day in American History
On this day in 1937, on the eve of the rape of Nanking, Japanese aircraft strafe and sink the flat bottomed U.S. gunboat Panay and its three oil tenders on the Yangtze River in China, killing two sailors and the captain of one of the oil tenders. Japan later apologized and eventually paid $2.2 million in reparations, but we never really believed they didn't know it was a flotilla of American ships.
That's the Panay above, not the butchest of warships, by my way of thinking.
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You are the closest thing to a military historian that I know.
Help me out here if you can.
You are the closest thing to a military historian that I know.
Help me out here if you can.
British anti-Communist efforts in Malaysia in the 50s. Our anti-Muslim efforts in the Phillippines just after the Spanish-American War. British efforts against the Boer Kommandos in the Boer War. I'll think of others.
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