Monday, December 11, 2006


An 80s Standard Dedicated to Kofi Annan

Goodbye To You - Scandal

Not the best of the 80s, but a solid song, whose lyrics fit with the (Thank God) imminent departure of Secretary General of the League of United Nations, Kofi Annan. It is difficult for me to convey the subterranean level of contempt I hold this man in and indeed the entire institution he represents. The unknown number slaughtered and maimed with machetes and AKMs in Sierra Leone, Liberia, the Congo (former Zaire) and the Sudan (both south and northwest) are but a few of the many genocides which occurred, just in Africa, during this man's unable leadership; and Kofi is African. Nor will I mention the corruption which was rampant in the organization he ran and on a very grand scale.

He goes out trashing the United States. What a non-Mensch!

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