Friday, November 24, 2006
This Day in Mid 19th Century History
On this day in 1859, Charles Darwin publishes his book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, a turning point in natural history. Because the transcription of DNA is not perfect (and because of the "shuffled cards" combining of two slightly different half measures of DNA during conception), there is a larger number of genetically unique individuals than could be successful in the various niches in the environment. So the individuals whose phenotype causes them to reproduce more offspring because, in part, the phenotype fits the niche better, sets over time the genotype of the species and changes the species visibly at times. This is a theory as real and true as the theory of gravity (Ann Coulter is dead wrong to oppose this) and probably takes place in a punctuated equilibrium as Stephen Jay Gould described.
The single rule for mere animal life here on Earth is have children which have children, and almost all animal behavior can be explained vis a vis this rule.
The single rule for mere animal life here on Earth is have children which have children, and almost all animal behavior can be explained vis a vis this rule.
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(sound of one peson clapping slowly building into a standing ovation and rampant cheering like in those feel-good-important-issue films)
You are too kind. If I ever get my copy of Godless back, I'll fisk some of the more coherent objections Ms. Coulter had to the noble theory. I've said it before, for the right, Coulter is all fun and games until she starts dismissing things you hold dear.
I don't think I'm too kind, I just give credit where it is due. There are few out there (on either side) that have the courage to challenge the assumptions of the intellectual superstars (for lack of a better term) of their respective parties.
That is how you have earned my respect.
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That is how you have earned my respect.
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