Sunday, November 19, 2006


This Day in American History

On this day in 1620, the Pilgrims (intolerant religious zealots/separatists, who couldn't stand to live in the society of either England or Holland) reach Cape Cod in the Mayflower cold, hungry, sick and dis-spirited. 400 miles to the south, the English colonists in Virginia have, in 13 years, built a stout, defensible fort and many houses, developed a relationship with the local coalition of tribes, developed the beginnings of a successful cash crop--tobacco, already celebrated a government sponsored day and meal of thanksgiving; and are warm, comfortable, healthy and happy in Jamestown. That may be my Virginia born chauvinism clouding my historical vision, but I doubt it.

Happy in Jamestown where they were plagued by mosquitos, malaria, brackish drinkinhg water, and a lack of room for expansion.

Tear off the the veil of chauvinism, Roger.
You can tell you are from New England. No room for expansion? You mean like west to the Ohio valley? I am a Virginia chauvinist, but then it's a wonderful commonwealth with more history in it's little finger (Eastern shore) than all of old boring Cape Cod. I'm not sure about the malaria either although the other problems were no doubt real.
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