Thursday, September 14, 2006


Tough Talk From John Kerry

Although he was a horrible candidate who failed to exploit the opportunity to defeat a very vulnerable President Bush in 2004, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) says he'll do better this next time. I, for one, can't wait.

Regarding the subject of questions about his what he has claimed about his service in Viet Nam, Kerry apparently has his hackles up:

Kerry says the only reason he didn't compete in more states in 2004 was that he ran out of money. [Did Teresa cut him off?] He says this was also the reason he did not adequately respond to a series of devastating TV ads by Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth, a group that questioned Kerry’s service in Vietnam and criticized his later opposition to the war.

“They had money behind the lies, and we did not have sufficient money behind the truth,” Kerry laments.

Asked if he dreads the prospect of being “Swift-Boated” all over again, Kerry counters that he would relish such a fight.

“I’m prepared to kick their ass from one end of America to the other,” he declares. “I am so confident of my abilities to address that and to demolish it and to even turn it into a positive.”

I am unaware of Kerry, or anyone in his camp, ever adequately addressing even one of the points John O'Neil brought up in Unfit for Command. Oh, several Democrats declared (as Kerry just did) that the questions were lies and just kept repeating that without producing any evidence, but they were never really addressed and certainly not demolished. Creepy Liar!, he explained.

Here's my first question to get the Kerry ass kicking going: Were you on December 24, 1968 five miles inside Cambodia as you claimed in a speech on the Senate floor in 1986 and in a Boston Herald story about Apocalypse Now in 1979?

Answer that one and we'll see how demolished the Swift Boat Veteran's questions are likely to be.

Don't go there Roger. To do so is to invite a comparison the service records of Sen. Kerry and the President. The former was campaigning in SE Asia. The later was campaigning in the SE, to wit, Alabama.
Sorry, I'm going. When Kerry's last deferrment was denied (he wanted to study in France) he joined the naval reserves and his outfit was called up and he spent a time in the Pacific on the Gridley. He then tried to emulate his hero JFK and volunteered for the Swift Boats (like our WWII PT boats) which at the time he put in his papers were doing coastal (easy and safe) duty. Unluckily for him, Zumwalt changed the mission and the boats were in in the shit as they said over there. Kerry lasted about 4 months and went home on 3 purple hearts that were basically scratches. (I don't deny he did his duty well while he was there but what bothers me and a lot of guys with more reason to care--when he came back he lied about what he did and what the troops did comparing them falsely but favorably to Jengis Kahn.
To avoid the draft, Bush joined what is the equivalent to the Air Force reserve (Texas Air National Guard) and he did his flying hours but not enough to fly in Viet Nam and his unit was never called up. Guys in my generation thought anything you could do (without actually commiting a crime) to get out of the draft was good. And both Kerry and Bush avoided the draft but the seemingly contraproductive means of joining it. Kerry got called up and had a bit of bad luck with his selection. Bush never was called up and the plane he flew was retired. I don't see either one of them was more or less honorable than the other. Want me to talk about Clinton? Thanks for the comment/warning.
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