Monday, August 14, 2006


Howard Dean on Meet the Press

Here's Dean and my comments in color:

...there's plenty of room for differing points of view on how to defend America. (Not really, there may be slightly different methods but the key is to learn about the enemies plans and then disrupt them. The Democrats have tried hard to hamstring the first and have done some serious Monday morning quarterbacking on the second).

The problem is, the President has failed to defend America. (Really? Has there been a second attack? Oh, I see; he has a list).

Since he has been in office, the number of nuclear weapons in North Korea has quadrupled, (This is George Bush's fault? Wasn't it Jimmy Carter's/Madeline Allbright's peace in our time deal that allowed the North Koreans to go nuclear in the first place? Why, yes it was. And Dean is complaining they have four bombs now? The nerve).

Iran has moved closer to nuclear weapons, (But aren't there yet (we hope) and we still have time to bomb Tehran with bunker buster nukes --oh, that's right, we don't have those because the Democrats in their zeal to defend the country wouldn't allow us todevelope them).

Osama bin Laden has set up shop in Pakistan five years after the fact. (In what way has he set up shop? What has he done to conduct a war against us since escaping by the skin of his teeth from Tora Bora? The Democrats used to be all for containment--he's contained).

I think one of the 9/11 chairs just said it very well: If your top priority isn't defending the American homeland, then you're not doing your job. (And we all know that the last two Democrat presidents, Carter and Clinton, moved heaven and earth to stop the spread of islamic fascism (major sarcasm alert)--Carter allowed it to start by betraying the Shah and Clinton did f--- all to stop the al Qaeda metastasizing all over the place).

"The Democrats used to be all for containment--he's contained)."

I remember that great moment 5 years ago when President Bush came to Ground Zero and told us all:

"We will contain those who did this".
No. Clinton could possibly have ended al Qaeda when offered bin Laden, George Bush has no chance to demolish al Qaeda now merely by killing bin Laden. Thanks a lot, Bill.
Query: How credible was the offer of bin Laden? The last thing I read seems to have suggested no very but of course I am willing to be educated.

This morning I saw on TV that the president's approval rating was 36% Unfortunately, for we citizens, I find it likely that history will grade him similarly.

Somewhere, in this blog or a link, I read recently that perception is reality. Hezbollah is doing its best, and no doubt succeeding , in convincing the Arab world that it won ths most recent chapter against Israel. Of course, the convincees are probably not picking through the ruins of their house attempting to salvage something of value, nor are they burying their dead.

I think that Osama bin Laden's head on a pike would send a clear message. He may have escaped by the skin of his teeth from Tora Bora; he may be hunkered on a cave w/ nothing more than his favorite AK 47 and a video camera, although this I doubt.

A chiming chorus of "See, no new attacks since 9/11" is not hymn of thanksgiving to the success of the war against terrorism.
I've heard Sean Hannity's difficult to hear tape of Clinton admitting that he had a chance to take bin Laden into custody although I know he's denying it now. Mamood Ijaz (I think that's his name) was pretty convincing that the offer was genuine. I don't know. I believe Bush will be considered a partially successful president in time (which isn't bad actually). Bin Laden prefers a AKs 74U known as a Krinkov, for what it's worth. I do believe he has a better life than in a cave, but he has been eclipsed by Hezbollah's leader, for however long that will last.
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