Saturday, July 29, 2006


More Tank Pictures

An Israeli Merkava Mk. IV going down a dusty road, it looks like, just inside Lebanon. You really have to admire the design of the turret, and the pitch of the slope of the armor here. Tough to get an RPG round to 'bite' and you can bolt on reactive armor or extra armor if it's a tank on tank battle the Arabs gave up in the 1970s.

Two Merkava getting ready to go. The engine exhaust is on the side, like with Russian tanks (as the back of the Merkava contains a big, armored hatch). The large white 'V' on the skirt armor seems to be on all the Merkavas and the 'V' is upside down or on its side on other types of armored vehicles. Traditionally, the rings on the barrel indicate tanks destroyed. I don't know if the Israelis keep score like that.

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