Sunday, June 18, 2006


Dan Rather at Sunset

There's a scene in the wonderful movie The Ruling Class where the psychiatrist, Dr. Herder, defeated and bereft, walks from the manor holding a cut out of his murdered lover saying over and over "cock a doodle do" (see Der Blaue Engel). That's how I see Dan Rather now--clutching the throughly exposed, fraudulent TANG memos, walking from CBS headquarters saying over and over again--"But I got the memos, but I got the memos."

Sad really.

Notice how the NYT covers Rather's disgrace in the story about CBS recently telling Rather not to let the door hit his butt on the way out:

... Mr. Rather was referring, however obliquely, to his displeasure with the leadership of CBS. He appeared, for example, to fault the network for eventually withdrawing its support for the "60 Minutes II" report that would, in turn, unravel his career. In the segment, he had sought to raise new questions about President Bush's Vietnam-era National Guard service, using memorandums that the network, and later a panel of outside investigators, said they could not authenticate.

First, what "new questions?" Second, they could not "authenticate" the memos--you mean the supposed typewritten 1970s memos which are identical to modern coumpter generated ones entered into the computer on the default settings on Microsoft Word? Those memos?

There is none so blind as he who will not see.

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