Saturday, May 13, 2006


I Love These Heartwarming Stories

A woman who had lost the use of her legs, and was confined to a wheel chair, has been cured at a California hospital. It's a freakin' miracle.

Laura Lee Medley, 35, is a Los Angeles activist for the disabled since being paralyzed by a drunk driver, who has been trying to make a living lately from suing 4 different California governmental entities for ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) violations due to injuries she sustained from her wheel chair overturning. She was arrested in Las Vegas, and when she was brought back to California, she complained of some medical problem and the police took her to a Long Beach hospital.

"She gets to the hospital and while she's waiting for an examination, she gets up from the chair and runs," prosecutor Belinda Mayes said.

Medley sprinted through the hospital corridors but was quickly apprehended by police and booked pending extradition to San Bernardino, southern California, where she is facing charges of filing false documents, attempted grand theft and insurance fraud.

So now she can walk. It nearly brings a tear to your eye.

Just goes to show you how bad your tort law sucks in the US. No offense, but, seriously, tort reform is a Repulican policy platform I could get behind....if someone would take it seriously.
The ADA, through which our faux paraplegic was suing was passed during the administration of George Bush (father). Let a thousand points of light shine. My state has such stringent caps on tort recovery that any federal law would probably loosen things up or have no effect whatsoever. The problem is too many lawyers with not enough good work to do. I have a hint of a solution but it'll never happen.
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