Monday, April 10, 2006


Solution to Illegal Immigration

Here is the 4 part plan for ending illegal immigration (the short version is: high wall, wide gate, enforce the law).

1) Wherever practical and necessary, build an Israeli type fence/wall along the southern border and triple the border guards there and along the longer but less crossed Canadian border.

That's really it. If they can get that done, I'm happy.

2) Issue an extremely difficult to counterfeit national ID/SSN card only to citizens, and require it in order to be hired for any work.

That's really all you need to send most of the illegal immigrants home, as they would not have work here.

3) Enforce the laws passed in 1986 which promised to end illegal immigration after the first amnesty.

That's just to make sure no one works without the new card.

4) Deport every illegal immigrant convicted of a felony and any misdemeanor which indicates a bad character.

This, probably unnecessary, weeds out the bad ones as they kill their number and come out of the joint, to use the parlance, so that they don't return to crime, at least here in America.

Number two needs to be backed up with strickter penalties for employers who hire illegals.

The penalty here is about $40,000 which is about 3 years wages for the average worker. In less than 10 years, a huge illegal worker population has been reduced to almost nil largely due to this law. And no fence.

The right always seems to forget how businesses help establish and maintain the conditions which lead to illegal immigration. If you reform the system well enough, the fence is a moot point because the illegal aliens haven't the opportunity to flourish.

As long as the conditions are favorable for illegals, you can enforce the border all you want, but they will find another way in.

Just like the drug war. 20 years of erradication programs, increased security spending and all the rest. But as long as people want to get high, you can't stop the drugs from getting in.
Well, Mike, stricter enforcement against employers is number 3. If the flood stops, then the fence is still good for security reasons. I'm with you on the drug war, but Americans overwhelmingly want the borders secured and woe betide the party in power that doesn't get it done when an attack comes over the border.
itsamarycle. The few blighted Canadians who defect tend to be hockey players, baseball players, or comic actors like Michael J. Fox, Dan Ackroyd, and John Candy to name a few.

R, I too beleive that border security is a serious issue but I just don't see a fence as being a solution. Friends of mine live in a French township in Quebec. Their property abuts the New Hampshire border. Once when visiting, I hiked up there (it's uphill) halfway expecting to see a huge dotted line. In fact, the forest ended and there was a ten yard clear cut extending in either direction as far as the eye could see. Bob, the Canadian 1/2 of the couple advised that every few years, a U.S. helicopter would fly the border spraying herbicide. Consequently, in the middle of a mature forest there is an endless linear glade filled w/ emerging species like raspberries

I thought you ment enforcing the laws that punish the immigrants. As long as you agree that employers should be held accountable, I'm okay with that.

Incidentally however, it is illegal in California to ask someone's immigration status. I don't see why a person shouldn't have to prove their eligibility to work.

I've heard Hugh echo your sentiment on a terrorist using the border. There are so many ways to get in, I don't think the border is the issue. Does this mean we should build a wall on the northern border too? Hey, maybe we should just put a big bubble over the whole country and call it the USA dome! Seriously, please read this
It is a good paper on border control and it's effectiveness in combatting terrorism.

Itsa (you don't mind me calling you itsa I hope) makes a good point about the border. Once it becomes more solid, crossing becomes a permanent move. There is an interesting article on the "efficacy" of the new fence here.

Any guesses on the cost of a fence?
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