Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Recycling or Rip-Off?

I really liked Galaxy Quest (starring my best friend from second grade, Timmy Dick aka Tim Allen) because it was clever and made such gentle but accurate fun of Shatner and Star Trek fandom (apropos with the local Starfest hard upon us) but I had no idea that it allowed the costumes of its slightly reptilian aliens to be re-used in a more recent (and lesser) film--the made for TV Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars, which I watched on SciFi last night. The lead alien even used the exact same voice. Oh well, why reinvent the wheel?

Funny that you should bring up this topic as I was talking about the same thing last night. Please check out my comments on the matter. http://scifipundit.blogspot.com/2006/04/great-minds-think-alike.html

Will we be seeing you at Starfest?
Yes. I hope so, as I'll be there all three days. Great minds to think alike, at least from time to time.
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