Friday, March 31, 2006


This Day in Ancient History

On this day in 307 AD, Flavius Valerius Constantinus (the Emperor Constantine I) marries Fausta, the daughter of former Emperor Maximian. If Augustus is like George Washington, Constantine is like Abraham Lincoln.
The vision of hoc signo victor eris before the successful Battle of Milvian Bridge causes Constantine to convert to Christianity and help the Church immensely. He also moves the main seat of Roman government to the more defensible city, which will be called, in his honor, Constantinople. Rome is sacked and sacked again while Constantinople shakes off sieges until other Christians (the 4th Crusade) in 1204 don't have the patience to go all the way to Jerusalem. Even after sacking, Constantinople holds out against the Mussulmen until Tuesday, May 29, 1453, during the reign of Constantine XI.

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