Tuesday, January 31, 2006


NAZI comparison

Former Time person of the year and candidate for the US House seat for Minnesota's second district, Coleen Rowley, has a web site that used to contain a photoshop picture of her rival, Republican Congressman John Kline, in a German uniform during WWII.

The Democrats are up in arms protesting this baseless smear. Wait, no, what apparently steams the Kos horde is that it's only a Luftwaffe uniform rather than, for them, the more appropriate Allegemeine SS uniform. What was she thinking?

(h/t Powerline)

Hello, i'm from Brazil in South America, and i need a help!I don't know who is going to read this but i have a big problem and i don't know what i have to do...

The problem is you guys put a Nazi Soldier in a uniform on this Post, i a sweare that a see this man here in my city, Belo Horizonte in state of Minas Gerais, in Brazil.

How i can discover the name of the soldier in uniform on the photo called "Luftwaffe uniform" ???

I talk 2 hours whit this man, here in one bar and he tell me drunked, that he is from Germany, and he let his family in Germany and come to live in Brazil...He also sayd that he already live here almoust 20 years...

Please someone help me, my e-mail is: capo@brfree.com.br or turbo_jack@brfree.com.br.

Thanks and wait answers...!
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