Saturday, January 07, 2006
A Justice Delayed
Drudge has this story under the ominous headline: Democrats Plan to Destroy Alito. Apparently Alito joined an outfit called Concerned Alumni of Princeton or CAP. Here's the meat of the story:
Alito will testify that he joined CAP as a protest over Princeton policy that would not allow the ROTC on campus.
THE DRUDGE REPORT has obtained a Summer 1982 article from CAP's PROSPECT magazine titled "Smearing The Class Of 1957" that key Senate Democrats believe could thwart his nomination!
In the article written by then PROSPECT editor Frederick Foote, Foote writes: "The facts show that, for whatever reasons, whites today are more intelligent than blacks."
Senate Democrats expect excerpts like this written by other Princeton graduates will be enough to torpedo the Alito nomination.
One Democrat Hill staffer involved in their strategy declared, "Put a fork in Scalito. It doesn't matter that Alito didn't write it, it doesn't matter that Alito wasn't that active in the group, Foote wrote it in CAP's magazine and we are going to make Alito own it."
I'm not that worried. There clearly has been a push to put acquaintances of Alito on the road for local talk radio and TV shows to try to show what a great guy he is. I have to believe people with actual knowledge over a smear about something someone else wrote in an alumni magazine 23 years ago. And dare I ask this question? Isn't it true that here in America blacks do worse as a group on IQ tests than whites as a group? I'm told, however, that there's something wrong with the test. (Could be--I only scored a 122 and I'm way smarter than that).
UPDATE: Rich Lowry over at NRO has a good story about the truth behind some of the complaints we are bound to hear from Democrats during the confirmation process.