Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Dark Echoes From the Past
If I paraphrased a question asked again and again today of Judge Sam Alito this way, "Are you now or have you ever been a member of Concerned Alumni of Princeton?" would it stir any memories about Roy Cohn, HUAC and the Communist Party?
I'm a little confused, because I was led to believe that the Democrats thought that guilt by association was a bad thing. We have a constitutional right (it's in the First Amendment, in words even) to associate with whomever we want. Can I now call the Democrats anti-First Amendment, or would I be blaming them for what was done by members of their party--the Senators who were such jerks today about the Concerned Alumni of Princeton? Just asking.
UPDATE: Seems I'm not the only one thinking about the tactics we've unfortunately lumped under the term McCarthyism. Todd Zywicki at the Volokh conspiracy has this post. Hugh Hewitt notices a familiar churlishness. James Taranto makes the same comparison. I guess it was pretty evident.
I'm a little confused, because I was led to believe that the Democrats thought that guilt by association was a bad thing. We have a constitutional right (it's in the First Amendment, in words even) to associate with whomever we want. Can I now call the Democrats anti-First Amendment, or would I be blaming them for what was done by members of their party--the Senators who were such jerks today about the Concerned Alumni of Princeton? Just asking.
UPDATE: Seems I'm not the only one thinking about the tactics we've unfortunately lumped under the term McCarthyism. Todd Zywicki at the Volokh conspiracy has this post. Hugh Hewitt notices a familiar churlishness. James Taranto makes the same comparison. I guess it was pretty evident.