Friday, January 13, 2006


Cassandra Addresses the Democrats

Froma Harrop, if that really is her name, has some pretty sage advice for the Democrats over at RealClear Politics. Money quote:

Furthermore, it's not in American interests to assert that nothing good has come out of the war. For starters, we got rid of the mass murderer Saddam. For another, a fledgling democracy has been created. Its survival is no certainty, but the scenes of Iraqis voting -- Sunnis included, in the last round -- are to be savored.

The crazy thing is that at this very moment, Bush is doing much of what the Democrats demand: He's already started bringing the troops home. Reuters reports that defense officials are looking at a possible reduction to 100,000 U.S. troops by "later this year."

By "later this year," I bet they mean by Nov. 7, the date of our midterm elections. (Karl Rove has also seen the poll numbers showing discontent with the war.) The plan is clearly in place to declare victory and come home. As Election Day approaches, expect to see Republicans bragging that they've already reduced troop levels in Iraq by a third -- while exaggerating the good things that have happened in Iraq.

Then what will the Democrats do? What they should do is make a nuanced argument that the results, while mixed, were on balance not worth the sacrifice. But are they capable of it?

I have $100 that not one Democrat leader listens to her.

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