Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Signs the Democrats are Waking Up

In this story in today's Washington Times, it is clear that at least some Democrats are waking up to the fact that criticizing the President for vigorously conducting the war against militant Islamacism is making the Democrats look even weaker on defense. At least Michael O'Hanlon and Mark Penn are (whoever they are), but is anyone listening to them?

Money quote: These Democrats say attacks on anti-terrorist intelligence programs will deepen mistrust of their ability to protect the nation's security, a weakness that led in part to the defeat of Sen. John Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee, last year.

I had written about the many conservatives warning the Democrats about just this here. Several problems remain: Will the MSM get the memo? Will the leadership tone down the anti-Bush rhetoric? Will Dean actually help the party of which he is chairman?


You can almost always count on the Democrats to make the Republicans look good in comparison.

It's a good point. I think some people (on both sides of the aisle) can't help offering to assist the poor people going astray in order to show their superiority to the strayers. Also those with a pathological need to feel superior are confident (not without reason) that the other guys won't listen. Thanks for the comment.
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