Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Win Ben Stein's Wisdom

Read this bit of clear thinking from Ben Stein and compare it to the fatuous self-satisfaction from disgraced "reporter" Dan Rather here.

Dueling money quotes:

Stein: It is just plain evil to try to divide the nation -- especially in time of war -- with false cries of racism. The response to Katrina shows just the opposite of racism -- a loving, compassionate response to victims without regard to race. One expects Al Sharpton to cry racism. He would not have a job without that phony cause. But for the media, who should know better, to try to paint such a wicked, dishonest picture -- well, Goebbels would have been proud.

Rather: Covering hurricanes is something I know something about," he said.
"It's been one of television news' finest moments," Rather said of the Katrina coverage. He likened it to the coverage of President Kennedy's assassination in 1963.
"They were willing to speak truth to power," Rather said of the coverage.

Finest moment, huh? It was largely a pack of lies. Of course, Rather would endorse that sort of reporting, more aptly named speaking lies to power.

UPDATE: Local blogger Jeff "Easy-to-Understand" Goldstein has more on the terrible reporting.

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