Sunday, September 18, 2005


Sunday Shows

Stephanopoulos interviewed his old boss Bill Clinton and was a tiger with tough questions and hard hitting follow-ups (just kidding). Clinton showed us he has not grown any out of office and continued to lie to the American people. In memoriam told us five American soldiers died last week in Iraq (so I assume none died in Afghanistan). Huge car-bomb attacks in Iraq, a major offensive in the northwest, renewed violence in Afghanistan before the latest election there and we lose only five? I'd have to say that the Iraqis and Afghans have pretty much taken over the fight already, or we've gotten really, really good at fighting this war (or both in some combination).

The Fox show was pretty bland but at least Senator David Vitter (R-LA) wasn't the empty suit he was last week. The interview of Vladimir Putin seemed a waste of good broadcast time.

Chris Matthews said flat out the gathering triumph in Iraq is a quagmire and that last week was a victory for al Qaeda. There is none so blind as he who will not see. Is Arlen Specter the dancing guy in the 6 Flags commercials? Just asking.

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