Friday, September 30, 2005
Hand Me Down Camouflage
Very martial pose of an Iraqi soldier in a kneeling firing position in front of a house during a gunbattle in an al-Mansur neighborhood of western Baghdad on September 21, 2005. He looks great except for the camouflage. His shirt's our old stuff, the ugly cookie dough uniform we wore in the first part of the Gulf War. It looks particularly bad with the woodland camo vest (another left-over) underneath his black new issue magazine pouches. Fashion designers would call this an eclectic look. As I've said here, you don't want to lose a war because then the other side can make you wear their hand-me-downs.
That's an extended barrel on the soldier's AK74 and on the extension is what looks like a rifle grenade launcher. I though they used the easier to aim RPG 7. Although I hate our old camo and make fun of the Iraqis having to wear it, I'm glad to see them more and more in action, defending their country. Soon there will come a time that we're merely the SWAT teams for the country and most of our guys and girls (mainly guys) can come home.