Monday, September 19, 2005


Good News from North Korea

In what's called a breakthrough in the 6 party talks we insisted on (over strenuous objection on the left here at home) regarding North Korea's development of nuclear weapons in violation of treaty obligations, the worst government on the planet promised to give up its nukes and stop developing more (in return for some massive aid).

This is the point where the Clinton crowd whooped it up, popped the champagne and closed their eyes. We serious folks should think this just the start of the difficult process of verification, but if verified, this is very good news indeed. Invasion of North Korea would have killed millions.

The tiny caveat I urge is that peace talks started November 25, 1951 during the Korean War, and the Cease Fire agreement was nearly two years later on July 27, 1953. Apparently negotiation with North Korea is tricky, difficult and slow.

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