Monday, June 20, 2005


Sunday Shows

Watched the Sunday talking head political shows (except for Russert and Chris Matthews' half hour show which wasn't shown in Denver). Condi Rice was on both This Week and the one on Fox with Chris Wallace. She looked great. Her suit's yellow matched the color of the flowers (Iris?) in the background. I didn't like the cut of her collar though. Too broad in the lapels and the indentation was not at a 90 degree angle. She was good. I just wish I could remember what she said.
The panel included the always sour Katrina van den Heuvel, whom I call van den Awful. She was true to form. We losing; we're torturing; we're awful. Must be tough living with that sort of world view. The glass isn't just half empty, it's half full of arsenic tainted water. She wasn't looking too good either. Lot of puffiness around her eyes. Maybe it's true that beauty originates within. George Will was good, as usual, with quotes from the mid-70s when the long term prediction of the weather by the expert climatologists was for another ice age--the exact opposite of what they say now. Van den Awful looked as if she'd been poleaxed. "Everyone agrees that there's global warming", she said. Yea, there probably is, about a degree in the past century and a half. Dennis Miller asks: Isn't that remarkably stable? We've been warmer during recorded history. My best scholarship in Grad School was to correlate the period of most vigorous Icelandic literature to the Little Optimum, the warm period between 950 and 1400. It was good for the Vikings but tough on the Anasazi in the four corners area. I presume the very gradual warming lately will have the same hit or miss effects in the future. Good for some, bad for others. But I see I'm digressing.
There were 35 American dead in Iraq last week. Too many.
I watch McLaughlin rerun on Sunday and again the woman on the panel was Ms. Sunshine. Eleanor Clift said, "we're losing in Iraq and there's no way we can win. Run for your lives-- the sky is falling" (I could be wrong about that last part). What is it with sour women and Sunday panels? I think we're winning in Iraq but I do agree that the price has been pretty high (still less than the Spanish-American War). My opinion is just as well informed and valid as Eleanor's but she has the half hour show on Fridays and I just have this little (not well read) blog. Not that I'm complaining.

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