Monday, June 20, 2005


More Styen Brilliance

Mark Steyn writes another great column on Guantanamo Bay here. The following is the money quote, but as my betters say, read the whole thing.

"Where the anti-Gitmo crowd went wrong was in expanding its objections from the legal status of the prisoners to the treatment they‚re receiving. By any comparison — ie, not just with Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot — they’re getting better than they deserve. It’s the first gulag in history where the torture victims put on weight. Each prisoner released from Guantanamo receives a new copy of the Koran plus a free pair of blue jeans in his new size: the average detainee puts on 13 pounds during his stay, thanks to the “mustard-baked dill fish”, “baked Tandoori chicken breast” and other delicacies. These and other recipes from the gulag’s kitchen have now been collected by some Internet wags and published as The Gitmo Cookbook.
Judging from the way he’s dug himself in, Dick Durbin, the Number Two Democrat in the US Senate, genuinely believes Gitmo is analogous to Belsen, the gulags and the killing fields. But he crossed a line, from anti-Bush to anti-American, and most Americans have no interest in following him down that path.You can’t claim (as Democrats do, incessantly) to “support our troops” and then dump them in the same category as the Nazis and the Khmer Rouge. In the hermetically sealed echo chamber between the Dem leadership, the mainstream US media, Hollywood, Ivy League “intellectuals” and European sophisticates, the gulag cracks are utterly unexceptional. But, for a political party that keeps losing elections because it has less and less appeal outside a few coastal enclaves, Durbin’s remarks are devastating. The Democrats flopped in 2002 and 2004 because they were seen as incoherent on national security issues. Explicitly branding themselves as the “terrorists’ rights” party is unlikely to improve their chances for 2006."

It is because we are a benevolent force in the world that the illegal combatants, whom we could execute after a tribunal established they were fighting against us and our allies (The Northern Alliance) but weren't wearing uniforsm and have no country supporting them, are getting good food and fair treatment. Compare that to the treatment our forces have received since May 8, 1945. Unrelenting suffering. I see it as a victory not about getting bogged down that we remain the good gusy. It is the criticism and the stupid comparisons from the less than loyal opposition that sends us off on tangents and we can't reform ss (and I don't think we need to reform medical stuff) because the Democrats oppose reform without offering any solution of their own. Tiem for plian speaking. And didn't Einstein think photons were sometimes like particles and sometimes like waves of am I thinking about someone else. Thanks for you thoughtful comment. Really.
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